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Description:Commodity/GUI for Roadshow TCP/IP Stack
Developer:Graham Thomson
Short: Commodity/GUI for Roadshow TCP/IP Stack
Author: Graham Thomson
Uploader: graham thomson gmail com (Graham Thomson)
Type: comm/net
Version: 1.3.9
Requires: Roadshow, 68020
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.0

* Roadie - A little helper for Roadshow *
* Version 1.3.9 - 20th December 2021 *

So what exactly is this anyway?

This is a small commodity designed as a companion for Roadshow, the TCP/IP stack
by Olaf Barthel. Note that I am in no way affiliated with Olaf or Roadshow! So
if you have issues relating to *this* piece of software please give me a shout!

Run Commands:
- Go Online (if you're not already)
- Go Offline (if you're not already)
- Show Net Status (an overview of current Local IP|Gateway|DNS)
- Get Net Status (information on your current networking with Roadshow)
- Ping a given IP/Host (by default uses Googles main DNS server)

Edit Configuration files (Please see notice below!):
- Interface files
- Nameservers (DNS)
- Default Gateway (routing)

Also you can:
- Quit (run away!)

ARexx Commands (Default port is ROADIE)
- ONLINE [ Go Online ]
- OFFLINE [ Go Offline ]
- SHOW [ Show the main Roadie interface ]

The Icon has four optional tooltypes:
- CX_POPUP=YES|NO [ Defaults to YES if not set ]
- CX_POPKEY=ctrl lcommand help [ this can be changed by the user ]
- AREXXPORT=ROADIE [ this can be changed by the user ]
- AUTOCONNECT=YES|NO [ Defaults to NO if not set ]
- LESSVERBOSE=YES|NO [ Defaults to NO if not set ]

The following ENV variable is set:
- RoadshowOnline [ Reads 'Online' or 'Offline' ]

Roadie also talks to Ranchero if it's installed, grab it here:



- Editing the configuration files will overwrite them with the data
you have entered!
- I have not included all fields in the editing windows, so if you have
advanced settings not shown they won't be saved!
- I strongly suggest backing up the following files before editing the
configuration with this software:
- DEVS:NetInterfaces/#?
- DEVS:Internet/name_resolution
- DEVS:Internet/routes


- An Amiga with
* KS2.0+ [ It uses GadTools, sorry ]
* An 020+ [ I'm not 100% sure why, I hope to get it working on 000 ]

- Roadshow TCP/IP Stack Installed [ Well Obviously ]

Launching the App:

A simple double click should do it, I'm using GadTools and have attempted
to keep it self contained.

On startup it performs two checks:

1 - Does C:GetNetStatus exist (as a way to see if Roadshow is installed).
If it can't find this command, Roadie will quit

2 - The subversion number of the ping command. If it is 11 (as in 4.11) it
won't allow you to utilise ping. This is due to a known bug in that
version of ping that causes hard lockups - if you get a message about
this there are updated versions of Roadshow available

A brief history of ... well ... this ...

Roadie 1.3.9 (20.12.2021)

- Will now start even if RexxMast isn't running. 1.3.8 brought back a bug I
initially resolved back in version 1.3 itself! The joys of rewriting chunks
of code

Roadie 1.3.8 (13.12.2021)

- ARexx support completely rewritten. Previously this was using a Blitz Lib
which proved to be the cause of various strange ARexx issues which
ultimately affected system stability.
Thanks to those who helped me test this, with a special mention for
Rob Cranley!
- Added support for Ranchero - a rather nice notification system for
Amiga OS 3. Grab it here: http://aminet.net/package/util/cdity/Ranchero

Roadie 1.3.7 (21.11.2021)

- Updated code to make background checks much more efficient when idle

Roadie 1.3.6 (09.11.2021) [ Test Release ]

- Roadie now checks online/offline status in the background, and will update
the ENV variable and the interface to reflect the current status
- Interface has been slightly tweaked to show current machine IP when online

Roadie 1.3.5 (01.11.2021)

- Complete rewrite of code to check online/offline status. I wasn't happy
with the way it worked, and some bug reports confirmed it wasn't as clever
as it could be. Hopefully this proves to be a lot more robust!
- Added ENV variable 'RoadshowOnline' - this can be used with custom title
bar in AmigaOS3.2 - it will read 'Online' or 'Offline'

Roadie 1.3.4 (22.04.2021)

- Code cleanup, some tweaks to make things more readable
- Better checking of online status (both during operations and at startup)

Roadie 1.3.3 (18.04.2021)

- Added LESSVERBOSE tooltype, this suppresses confirmation dialogues

Roadie 1.3.2 (07.06.2020)

- More code refactoring, further testing with Amiblitz3

Roadie 1.3.1 (18.01.2020)

- Code tidy, back to using AmiBlitz3 (v3.7.3) for development
- Non-public release to allow testing

Roadie 1.3 (24.06.2019)

- Roadie will still run if REXXMast isn't running (bug from 1.2)
- Added AUTOCONNECT tooltype, allows auto-connect at program startup

Roadie 1.2 (17.06.2019)

- Added ARexx support
- Will now show interface if program is started a second time
- Added missed elipsis to relevant menu items

Roadie 1.1 (09.06.2019)

- Added clearer output for the 'Ping' option in the event of failure
- Added elipsis (...) to menu items that open a new window
- Added 'hide' option to menu
- Fixed window behaviour when 'Show Interface' is used in Exchange

Roadie 1.0 (26.05.2019) [ First public release version ]

- Renamed, refactored, and compiled in BB2.1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Development Releases:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RoadshowGUI 0.9b (23.05.2019) [ Final test version ]

- App works as a commodity!
- Added tooltype support for:
- CX_POPUP=YES|NO [ do you want the main window to open on startup ]
- CX_POPKEY=ctrl lcommand help [ can be set to desired combination ]

RoadshowGUI 0.8b (22.05.2019) [ in house testing only ]

- Turned the App into a Commodity - test release

RoadshowGUI 0.7b (22.05.2019) [ in house testing only ]

- Code cleanup
- Minor layout tweaks (to avoid issues with themes)

RoadshowGUI 0.6b (22.05.2019)

- User can now enter IP/Host to Ping

RoadshowGUI 0.5b (21.05.2019)

- Added ability to edit nameservers (DNS)
- Added ability to edit default gateway (route)

RoadshowGUI 0.4b (20.05.2019) [ in house testing only ]

- Changed some button labels
- Changed some keyboard shortcuts
- Added a new 'Configuration' menu
- Added ability to load/save an interface configuration

RoadshowGUI 0.3b (17.05.2019)

- Added check for ping command version 4.11, if found the ping
functionality is disabled

RoadshowGUI 0.2b (17.05.2019)

- Now uses system font
- Now has Menus (I need to review the keyboard shortcuts)
- Now has option to ping

RoadshowGUI 0.1b (15.05.2019)

- Initial Build

So whats next here then?

- Issue wise: Work out why it needs an 020 or above


Main Program: Graham Thomson <graham.thomson@gmail.com>
With Help from: Rob Cranley <robcranley@gmail.com>

Icon: Found in a Glowicons collection, if it's yours
and you want me to stop using it please let
me know!

Special Thanks: Olaf Barthel - The man behind Roadshow
[ among other things ;-) ]

Created using AmiBlitz3:
- https://www.amiblitz.de
- https://github.com/AmiBlitz/AmiBlitz3

Graham Thomson
Sunny Scotland
Upload Date:Dec 21 2021
Size:54 KB