Readme: | Short: MESA/OpenGL implementation for AmigaOS Author: Sam Jordan, Various Uploader: sjo sam-jordan ch (Sam Jordan) Type: util/libs Version: 3.1 Replaces: util/libs/StormMesa_LibsPPC.lha Architecture: ppc-warpup
StormMESA V3.1 A freeware (LGPL) 3D graphics library for 68K- and PowerPC AMIGA's Almost completely OpenGL compatible
Based on MESA V3.0 beta 8 by Brian Paul Based on AMESA V1.6 by Stefan Zivkovic
StormMESA V3.1 is presented by HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH StormMESA V3.1 implementation maintained by Sam Jordan - 10.12.98
To install the StormMesa 3.x software, you need to download one of the following archives:
StormMesa_Libs68K.lha (68K version) StormMesa_LibsPPC.lha (PPC verison)
Of course you can download and install both archives for both CPU's. These archives also contain the StormMesa documentation.
After you installed the libraries, you will probably want to download some demo programs, which use the StormMesa 3.x software. There are several demo archives, which you can download. Here comes a description of the demo archives (and it is suggested that you download them in that order, because the first ones contain the most impressive demos).
The following archives contain the most complex and impressive OpenGL demos:
StormMesa_Demos268K.lha (68K version) StormMesa_Demos2PPC.lha (PPC version)
The next archives contain some demos suitable for fast 3D equipment and also demos, which utilize the GLE and GLSMAP implementations to demonstrate very special effects:
StormMesa_Demos368K.lha (68K version) StormMesa_Demos3PPC.lha (PPC version)
These archives contain demos from the Mesa archive, some of them are known from the StormMesa 2.0 distribution:
StormMesa_Demos168K.lha (68K version) StormMesa_Demos1PPC.lha (PPC version)
Here some more demos from the Mesa archives (including 'wave' and 'olympic' from the StormMesa 2.0 distribution):
StormMesa_Demos468K.lha (68K version) StormMesa_Demos4PPC.lha (PPC version)
The following archives contain a lot of smaller demos, which demonstrate the power of the OpenGL API:
StormMesa_Demos568K.lha (68K version) StormMesa_Demos5PPC.lha (PPC version)
These archives contain some more specialized demos, which demonstrated special OpenGL rendering techniques:
StormMesa_Demos668K.lha (68K version) StormMesa_Demos6PPC.lha (PPC version)
In this distribution there is also an AMIGA port of the famous Viewperf benchmark. Note, that you have to download the data files from the internet, please refer to the StormMesa documentation.
StormMesa_VPerf68K.lha (68K version) StormMesa_VPerfPPC.lha (PPC version)
If you want to develop OpenGL software yourself then you need the developer archive:
For those, who are interested in the complete Mesa archive with all sources, download the following archives:
StormMesa_Archive.lha (Mesa archive, without GL/GLU/GLUT sources, but with a lot of demo sources) StormMesa_Src.lha (The sources for GL, GLU and GLUT)