Title: Pintor Web Version: 5.00 Kind: Picture Editor Requirements: charsets.library Hollywood plugins: aiff-apng-jpeg2000-pcx-svgimage-tiff and WarpWebPdt for webp format. Registration: TO HAVE THE KEYFILE TO UNLOCK THE SAVE & CONVERT OPTIONS Description: An easy program to edit your pictures to use in your web pages projects, modifying its appearance or improving them, changing theirs size, rotation, applying visual effects, add your watermark or brand logo, saving them in different formats. The editor is available in the next languages: 1.Spanish. 2.English. 3.French. 4.Italian. 5. Deutsch. 6. Polski. Features from this new version: 1. Changed the program cover to avoid one problem with the AROS version. 2. Fixed and improvent the effect Polaroid. 3. Fixed bugs. 4. New correction effects. 5. New visual effects. 6. Optimezed the code. 7. Rewrote the PDF manual.