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Description:Shows free RAM and storage as bar graphs
Developer:Thomas Rapp
Short: Shows free RAM and storage as bar graphs
Author: thomas-rapp@web.de (Thomas Rapp)
Uploader: thomas-rapp web de (Thomas Rapp)
Type: util/wb
Version: 1.332
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0
Distribution: Aminet

Shows the fill level of RAM and storage volumes as bar graphs on the Workbench.

Various options can be configured via tool types.

New in 1.332:
- added configurable custom gauges whose value are read from env variables
- added i2csensors support

New in 1.284:
- bug fix: default header and footer alignment was not like documented
- added tooltype to override gfx card board name

New in 1.282:
- Workbench revision 47.36 is shown as OS 3.2.1 rather than 3.2.
- new tooltypes for header and footer position and alignment.
- env variables can be added to header and footer.
- russian catalog

New in 1.276:
- bug fix: zz9000 temperature retrieval was still using a fake board rather
than the real zz9000
- added tooltypes to hide the RTG memory and zz9000 temperature bars

New in 1.275:
- semi-transparency now also works on palette based screens (very slow,
WinUAE with JIT recommended)
- the header (formerly date/time) is now fully configurable with a variety
of available information.
- a new footer has been added with the same configurability as the header.
Both can have multiple lines.
- shows gfx card memory if Picasso96 is used
- shows zz9000 temperature (untested)

New in 1.194:
- options to make the window background visible with optional transparency

New in 1.168:
- option to change text style
- option to remove frames around level bars
- french catalog

New in 1.155:
- enabled additional Workbench menu items in icon mode
- italian catalog

Upload Date:Nov 01 2022
Size:27 KB