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Description:Development Package v1.1 for any AmiKit edition: https://www.amikit.amiga.sk/devpack
Developer:Compiled by Dimitris Panokostas and Philipp Lonke
Development Package (DevPack) v1.0 for AmigaOS or any AmiKit edition.
Compiled by Dimitris Panokostas and Philipp Lonke. Icons by Ken Lester.

What is it?
This is a bundle that includes a collection of tools, environments and examples for programming on the Amiga.

The bundle is designed to be portable, so there's no special installation needed.
Simply extract the LZX archive in any location you wish.
*** Be advised that LZX throws some "Disk Full?" error messages when extracting empty drawers. They are not real errors.
Then double-click on the included "MakeItWork" icon. After that, you're ready to start using the tools.
Some have their own graphical user interface (like AMOS), others work from the command line or your own scripts.

What is included
- AmiBlitz 3.8.0 (build 110) - an open source and enhanced Blitz Basic language by Jens Henschel, bernd_afa, blackab3, derwanderer, honitos, tomsmart1, http://aminet.net/package/dev/basic/AmiBlitz3 and Sven Dröge, https://github.com/AmiBlitz
- Amiga E 3.3a - an object oriented language by Wouter van Oortmerssen, including the free full EC compiler, http://aminet.net/package/dev/e/amigae33a
- AMOS Pro 2.0 - an Amiga Basic programming language by Francois Lionet, including the final version (V1.50beta4) of the AMCAF extension library, and examples, https://www.patreon.com/francoislionet
- AMOS Pro X (AGA) beta 0.209 - a modernized and AGA capable version (by Frederic Cordier) of AmosPro (by Francois Lionet), http://amos-professional-aga.frederic-cordier.fr/
- Blitz Basic 2.1 - a modern Amiga Basic programming language by Marc Sibly, https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/dlext/details?df_id=3663%3f, including UBB 2.1+ CD v1.1 (see below)
- FreePascal 3.2.0 - a modern, open source Pascal and Object Pascal compiler, including a console IDE, by ALB42 https://blog.alb42.de/2020/06/20/freepascal-3-2-0/ https://www.freepascal.org
- GCC 2.95.3 - a development environment (ADE) by various authors, bundled by Brielle Harrison, https://aminet.net/package/dev/gcc/ADE
- PureBasic 4.00 - an open source variant of Basic language by Fantaisie Software, https://www.purebasic.com/
- REDPILL 0.8.1 - a game creator with AGA support by Zener, http://aminet.net/package/dev/misc/REDPILLGameCreator
- Ultimate Blitz Basic CD 2.1+ - a next generation Basic by Acid Software, updated and fixed by Chris Forrester, Zeb Elwood and MickGyver, http://ubb.plus/
- VBCC 0.9g - a compiler with m68k-amiga target (including vlink and vasm tools) by Dr Volker Barthelmann, http://www.compilers.de/ and Frank Wille http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vbcc/

- Annotate 3.0.1 - a syntax highlighting editor by Daniel Westerberg and Doug Bakewell, https://www.onyxsoft.se/annotate.html including expat.library 4.1 by Alfonso Ranieri, http://aminet.net/package/util/libs/expat
- BlitzGUIGen 1.8 rev 37.150 - a converter of GadToolsBox GUI to Blitz Basic source by Simon Archer, http://aminet.net/package/dev/blitz/BlitzGUIGen18
- Designer 1.55 - a GUI creator for Asm, C & HSPascal by Ian O'Connor, http://aminet.net/package/dev/gui/DesignerV1_55
- GadToolsBox 3.0a - a GUI creation toolkit by Tomasz Muszynski, https://github.com/thom-ek/GadToolsBox http://aminet.net/package/dev/gui/GadToolsBox3
- minAD 1.7 - a minimalistic autodoc viewer by Rupert Hausberger, http://aminet.net/package/text/show/MinAD-amigaos3
- MiniHex v1.1b - a hex editor by Daniel Westerberg, https://www.onyxsoft.se/minihex.html
- MUIBuilder 2.3 - a MUI interface builder by Eric Totel and MUIBuilder Open Source Team, http://aminet.net/package/dev/mui/muibuilder.os3
- StormWizard 2.3 - a GUI designing tool by HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH and Bernd Rösch, http://stormwizard.amiforce.de/

- MUI 5.0 SDK - by Thore Böckelmann & Jens Maus, https://muidev.de/
- NDK 3.9 - by HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH, compiled by Olaf Barthel, only the link is included: http://www.haage-partner.de/download/AmigaOS/
- P96 SDK - by Individual Computers, only the link is included: http://wiki.icomp.de/wiki/P96
- RoadShow SDK 1.5 - by APC&TCP, https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/dlext/details?df_id=3658

Have fun! If you feel that something is missing, write and let us know.
Dimitris Panokostas (midwan at gmail.com) and Philipp Lonke (philipp_lonke at yahoo.de)

The content is included with permission.
All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners.

Upload Date:Aug 15 2021
Size:116 MB