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Description:Implementation of Tunnels & Trolls RPG
Developer:James Jacobs
Short: Implementation of Tunnels & Trolls RPG
Uploader: amigansoftware@gmail.com (James Jacobs)
Author: amigansoftware@gmail.com (James Jacobs)
Type: game/role
Version: 4.41
Requires: OS2.0+, 8Mb free RAM
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.0
URL: http://amigan.1emu.net/releases/

This is an implementation of the Tunnels & Trolls game (5th Edition), in
its solitaire form. Currently this consists of the game engine and 32
solitaire adventures. It allows you to play the adventures without
pencils, paper, dice, cards, nor the adventure itself. The complete T&T
rulebook will prove useful but is not essential. It can run in these three

* as a BBS door game (OS2.0+);
* as a console application (OS2.0-3.1); or
* with a ReAction GUI (OS3.5+).

It is compatible with OS2.0+ (including OS4) and MorphOS.
The basis for this conversion is the Corgi edition of the T&T 5th
Edition rules, although the Flying Buffalo editions have also been
consulted. Some special combats, item powers, abilities and spells are
not currently implemented.

Changes since V4.4:
* Added "show instructions?" option.
* Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

Upload Date:Dec 08 2019
Size:17 MB