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Description:SMBFS Frontend GUI / Commodity by Rob Cranley.
Developer:Rob Cranley
Short: SMBFS Frontend GUI / Commodity
Author: Rob Cranley
Uploader: robcranley gmail com (Rob Cranley)
Type: comm/net
Version: 1.5
Requires: SMBFS, 68020
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0

SMBMounter is a frontend GUI for SMBFS - the filesystem wrapper for SAMBA
shares. It allows you to easily mount, keep track of and unmount simple shares
on other machines on your network using the SMB protocol. As a commodity, it can
be hidden when not in use, and popped back into view using a hotkey or Exchange.

Screenshots and more info available on my website:

This is a bugfix release that fixes a couple of bugs (Intuition slowdowns,
trying to mount twice), and adds a delay and retry if the host isn't found for

This archive includes both GadTools and MUI versions of SMBMounter which can be
used interchangeably depending on your choice. Locale is supported, with the
following languages included: English (built in), French, German, Spanish,
Danish, Italian, Dutch, Czech and Polish.

A massive Thank You to the following people who provided the translations, as
well as valuable beta testing. You all helped me so much!

Yannick Buchy (French)
Hubert Maier (German)
Amigo1 (Italian)
Jaroslav Kabara (Czech)
Enrique Mecklenburg (Spanish)
Johan Banis (Dutch)
Niels Bache (Danish)
Blazej Jedras (Polish)

Also a huge Thank You to everyone who has been giving feedback and donations
over the past few years!

If you are upgrading SMBMounter from a previous version, please use the
included installer script as it will avoid overwriting your existing settings.
If you want to copy the files by hand, *do not* copy the SMBMounter.mounts and
SMBMounter.prefs files if you want to keep your existing mounts and settings!

SMBMounter requires:

- OS 3.0+ (Tested on OS3.9, OS4.1FE and MorphOS 3.7)
- SMBFS (available on Aminet in different versions for different platforms)
- A working TCP/IP stack

MUI version also required NList.mcc (available on Sourceforge.net)

For more information on the requirements, please see the included AmigaGuide

Changes In This Version
1.5 (17.05.2017)
- Fixed bug that caused Intuition slowdowns on some setups
- Added retry attempts for automounts if network connection isn't ready
- Fixed bug that sometimes tried to automount twice
Upload Date:Aug 17 2017
Size:261 KB