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Description:Screen grabber with GUI.
Developer:Stephan Rupprecht
Short: Screen grabber with GUI (1.22)
Author: Stephan Rupprecht <stephan.rupprecht@gmx.net>
Uploader: stephan rupprecht gmx net
Type: util/wb
Requires: os3+, 020+ cpu
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup

1.22 linked with latest release of libpng and zlib.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1552 887 42.8% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.catalog
1480 847 42.7% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.catalog
2740 1436 47.5% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.ct
1764 1015 42.4% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.catalog
1238 709 42.7% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.catalog
1596 981 38.5% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.catalog
1252 742 40.7% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.catalog
1904 1650 13.3% 17-May-02 16:26:42 +polski.info
1360 810 40.4% 17-May-02 16:26:42 +sgrab.catalog
1614 931 42.3% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.catalog
1572 995 36.7% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.catalog
1920 1017 47.0% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.cd
1270 757 40.3% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.catalog
1396 841 39.7% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.catalog
2738 1530 44.1% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.ct
1610 967 39.9% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +sgrab.catalog
2062 1171 43.2% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +Icons.info
2771 836 69.8% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +Grab16.info
2163 776 64.1% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +Grab8.info
2613 1301 50.2% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.guide.info
2613 1313 49.7% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.guide2.info
2852 873 69.3% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.info
2430 1739 28.4% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SnapShot.small.info
114404 62418 45.4% 29-Oct-02 21:50:12 +SGrab
40186 14147 64.7% 29-Oct-02 21:37:58 +SGrab.guide
3359 2221 33.8% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.guide.info
3144 2279 27.5% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrab.info
157612 75050 52.3% 29-Oct-02 21:54:10 +SGrabPPC
3144 2279 27.5% 17-May-02 16:26:44 +SGrabPPC.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
366359 182518 50.1% 29-Oct-02 21:56:20 29 files

Upload Date:Aug 23 2017
Size:179 KB